Application for employment through employment portal sites and company’s official website is possible, as well as e-mail application for employment in accordance with instructions for recruitment.
However, application through postage mail is not accepted.
Document screening
Based on the applicant’s application form, the applicant’s qualifications, job skills, experiences, etc. are comprehensively evaluated in relation to the field of recruitment and the HR department and current employees of the related field will evaluate qualification as the right person for Worldex.
Interviews with working level and executives of the company will be held 1~2 times in order to comprehensively verify applicant’s capabilities, job comprehension, organizational suitability, values, personality, and attitude.
Health check-up
Basic health check-up is executed after having announced the results of interview in order ensure that the applicant is capable of executing the tasks given in good health after joining the company.
If the health check-up results are normal, applicant will be notified of final decision for employment. Positions for new recruits will be determined in accordance with the internal regulations of the company, while the position and remunerations for experienced recruits will be negotiated before final decision for employment.